Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's like night. Already.

I'm always tired after my lunch break. Way more tired than I am when I show up to work in the morning. On running days, while driving back from my apartment after lunch, I always think, 'HOW will I run today? How will I be able to do it when I'm SO TIRED?'

And then next thing I know, an hour has gone by and I'm no long tired.

Except today I didn't wake up as much as I had hoped. I was up late last night and my right leg is giving me some problems and all in all, it seemed like I might be looking at a bad run. But WAS IT?!

No! I took it slower than I usually do for a short run and I did just fine. Even my leg was alright, though I foresee a long night ahead of me bonding with an ice pack. Three miles in 34:27. I was pretty deep into The White Album, so I couldn't tell you what my splits were. I'm finding that regardless of how the first mile goes, it's always better than the second mile. And halfway through the second mile, I'm tired of running. But if I can push past the mile marker to start the third, I can make it to the end with no problems.

At any rate, I'm going to have to work on making sure I leave early enough to make it through my run before the sun goes down, on account of the shortening days. Ugh, I am so not looking forward to the time change...


  1. Wow, i still am baffled as to how you are doing all of this! But i like your game plan of mile by mile.. sounds great! Keep up the good work and keep up with the ice pack... dont let that leg fail you!

  2. Honestly, I don't know how I'm doing it, either. But it helps to have to come back and write about it! :)

    I think it's going to be another ice-filled evening for me tonight. My poor body has not quite adjusted yet to all these extra miles...

    Thanks for your support, Sam!! :)

  3. Dude I hate that the days are getting darker and the weather is cooler now!

    Maybe it would help if you put an alcoholic drink at the end! That's Pussy advice anyway :P

  4. Oh, Pussy knows me well! :D I have found that the thought of a cold beer has gotten me through many a difficult mile... But damn those changing seasons! I'm going to have to break out the cold-weather clothes soon. :(
