Saturday, November 28, 2009

Well, that's it then.

My last training run! I'm sad. For the past 4 months or so, I've been scheduling my weekends around these runs. What the hell am I going to do with my time after next week?! (Probably sleep in.)

Well, of all days, today was the day my pedometer failed me. I didn't close it all the way (accidentally) and so after 1:21:26 of running, it said I'd run 0.12 miles. I feel that estimate might be a little low... Google puts it at 6.8 miles, but Google is always stupidly low in its calculation, so we'll (conservatively) say it was 7 miles.

And now I rest for the next week. OH MY GOD IT'S ALMOST TIME.


  1. So whens the big day and how far is the run?

  2. I'm talking to you in so many places!! :) Six days away now...and it's 13.1 miles. Even after doing the 15-miler, that still seems like a long damn way!

  3. You are going to do such a great job!!!! I'm so sad I won't be there with you, but I can't wait to hear your post race update : ) I will be at work Saturday morning, but Jonathan will be on the balcony in his pj's cheering for the runners. If you have enough energy at that point, look up and give him a wave!

  4. You have to work? :( Of all days!! Well, I will definitely look for Jonathan...and I'll definitely give you a run down of how it went! :) I'm not too happy about the weather forecast at this point. I was hoping it would be warmer...but if it's anything like last year, I think I'll stay in the car until the last possible minute.

    Thank you so much for your support!!! I know I keep saying it, but it really has been strange without you this year. It's kind of surreal that it's already race time again. Where did the time go?! Before you know it, you and I will be headed out with a jogging stroller. ;)
