Monday, September 21, 2009

Here we go.

Running after one only day of rest?? Alas, yes.

So...we got this e-mail ("we" being my half-marathon group) last Friday and apparently we aren't training hard enough. The two days a week I've been running? No! It should be three! The two or three or (that one time) four miles I run after work? No! I should be aiming for five!

I'm not sure such a schedule is physically possible or mentally helpful (um, hello, it's not like I have all this time on my hands and absolutely nothing to do except run...I also have to blog about running!) but wanting to be a good little half-marathoner I thought, 'OK, I'll bite. What is this schedule that I'm supposed to be following and whatnot?'

Our leader-man promised to bring the schedules to our group run on Saturday morning but he forgot. "Just e-mail me!" he said. "I'll send you everything to you in an attachment!"

I e-mailed him as soon as I got home and have not heard anything since.

So I really don't know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing, but I do know that giving myself only one day of rest after a long run will build endurance or whatever so, er, yeah. I ran today. Though only two miles. Baby steps! I'm kind of tired. And I ate leftover Mexican for dinner which isn't exactly an energy booster.

I went out waaaaay too fast and did the first mile in 11:04 and then was just dead for mile two (11:12). For real. I was dragging across the finish line. I almost always am able to finish strong and run the last tenth of a mile pretty fast. Not today. It just wasn't all that great, any way you look it. But anytime you train, there are periods where you peak and trough.

What I learned today was a) I'm totally troughing, and b) next time I'll lay off the Mexican. Blech.


  1. Wow your not superman! Do what you feel is enough..... Dont want to do too much and wipe youself out!!!

  2. That sounds alot! Does everyone else have a full time job! When would you ever get time to see friends or relax!

  3. I's too much!! :( I'm definitely not running tonight and I might not run Wednesday, either (we'll see how I feel). I'm just SO tired today! Part of the reason I'd been keeping my running during the week to a minimum is because I'm scared I'll hurt myself or get way exhausted. (Not to mention, like Chris said, I have a life outside of this!)

    I think last night was proof that I'll need to give myself time to work up to more training...IF I even want to do that. It seems like if it was so important we follow a schedule, he would have sent me the damned e-mail by now!! :)
