Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Peer pressure.

Curls and crunches for the second time this week? CHECK. I "cross-trained" (for real, what I do is so barely within the confines of what could be considered cross-training) this evening primarily because, while responding to a comment from Kathryn, I felt like a slacker for not just going and doing it already. And thus it was done. Kathryn, my triceps will thank you tomorrow.

In other news, I regretfully inform you that I ate my Dove delicious morsels today after all, even though I had such high hopes for waiting until tomorrow. If my run tomorrow is terrible, this is why.


  1. Haha I'd knew you'd eat them! I would have!

  2. I know, right?! I mean if they're just *sitting there* in my drawer, how the hell am I supposed to resist??? :D
