Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hello Cold Weather

Ah, the first "cold run" of the season.

According to the thermometer on my porch, it was 46 when I left the house this morning, though considering the thermometer's proximity to the house, I'd say it was at least 2 - 3 degrees colder than that. Not freezing by any stretch, but cold enough that I wasn't sure what to wear...long pants or shorts, one layer on top or two... I went with shorts and two layers on top. And gloves. And man it was COLD when we first started out, but I'm trying to brace myself for the very real possibility that it could be 20 degrees colder (or more) between now and the race.

But I was fine once we got going. Perfect, actually. Eight point five miles in 1:38:34. It was a surprisingly easy run.

I'll be missing next week, though, because that's the reunion. It'll be the first 10 mile run...of all weeks to miss! It's a good thing today's run went well or else I'd be freaking out about now.

The worst part about running in the cold isn't the run itself (which is usually great once you get going) but the aftermath. Once I cool down, I can never warm back up. Right now I'm sitting her in multiple layers and wool socks drinking a cup of hot tea. And I'm FREEZING. All that complaining about the heat and now it's time to start complaining about the cold already...


  1. Dude I hate the cold weather! It's starting to get colder here too! Bad times!

  2. It's terrible!! I'm sure it is (and will be) MUCH colder for you than it is for me, but I'm a wimp. We had such a mild summer that I feel like we got gypped and didn't get a fall. :(

  3. Great job! I am so proud of your progress : ) I must admit that when I rolled out of bed on Saturday morning at oh...8:30...I thought about you and how you were probably already back from your 8 mile run by the time I got up!

    I got super depressed reading the Roadrunner this month. I feel like I'm missing out on so much, and I'm scared that when I start back to running I will be back at square one. Jonathan tried to encourage me, but I'm still a little sad. So I'm living vicariously through you!!

  4. It's been weird without you, Meg. :-/ I think about you all the time when I run! I already know that it's going to be really difficult for me to maintain any sort of running regimen after the half because I go through that EVERY YEAR. I always come out the other side thinking I love running and will never stop and then I inevitably hate it through the months of January and February (at least).

    So, personally, I'm looking forward to building myself back up *with you* once you're ready to start again!!! The thing that this year has taught me is that it's really TRUE that if you've run before, it's easier and faster to get back into it. You ran 5 miles not that long ago and you always push yourself harder than I do...I have no doubt it'll be a lot easier than you think to get back to where you were!! :) And hell, I get depressed reading Roadrunner and I'm in the best running shape of my life right now (for real, those people are unnatural). I miss you and running misses you but you'll be back. I have no doubt. ;)
