Wednesday, October 7, 2009

That would be a no.

I will not be running this evening. I've hurt a muscle in my right leg and to run on it tonight would be...well, I was going to say "bad" but then I don't even know if I *could* run on it so I don't know what the appropriate word is.

Also, I'm half-sick. Again.

Also, my co-worker, who has been deathly ill with swine flu CAME INTO WORK TODAY. She said she was past the "24-hours fever-free" period (by all of 3 measly hours!) and didn't think it was half as big a deal as I did that she decided to show up today. Then again, she's all immune now, isn't she, so why the hell should she care? "I didn't sneeze at all while I was sick!" she said, as she sneezed for the four-hundredth time. Of course she sits right next to me.

I've been drowning myself in hand-sanitizer all day.

I have a headache, my leg hurts, and I need to pack. I give up. Chock this one up as being the worst (well, barring H1N1 complications...) running week of the training season.

I'll be back next week! And dammit, let's hope I'm back on track! :)


  1. OMG keep well!!!! Do everything your doing, twice as much! I hope you feel better soon! Keep positive

  2. Oh darling! hope you feel better soon! A trip away is just what you need!
