Saturday, September 12, 2009

Early morning update.

It appears we're running 6.5 miles today. I don't even know how this is going to go. Though I realize I ran close to 6 miles last weekend, I seem mentally incapable of embracing any distance over 5...

But the marathoners will be doing 11.5 and that puts things in perspective. Eleven-point-five is precisely the kind of number that robs me of any desire to run a full marathon. Eleven-point-five isn't even the halfway point for those sorry sods. This is why I run halfs (halves?).

I'll be back to report on how it goes. But only AFTER I have taken care of this morning's business. I went to Best Buy yesterday to get my stereo remastered Beatles box set and the guy was all, "HA! We sold out of those in the first thirty seconds on Wednesday." Also sold out is Amazon and the guy told me that Best Buy was getting a shipment overnight if I wanted to check back tomorrow (this) morning.

So I have to run 6.5 miles, drive home, take a shower, and drive the half hour it takes to get to Best Buy, all before 10:00 am. WHERE COULD BLOGGING POSSIBLY FIT IN?! Nowhere. It must be delayed, because one must make sacrifices when a morning is set to be as harrowing as mine surely will be.

I'll have an update on all things later today.


  1. I was driving behind you on I-40 Saturday morning on my way to work!! I wondered why you were driving out that way so early on a Saturday.

  2. No way!! I (obviously) had no idea! I wish I'd seen you...I would have at least waved. :D
