Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer makes a comeback.

It is humid, comrades. Very. Very. Humid.

It's fairly hot as well, what with this "temperatures over 90" business that's been going on for the past couple of days. I thought we were past all this, but no. September lives to spite me with its early-June-like weather.

There are two things that will kill a run faster than anything else: hills and humidity.

Hills can be conquered; the track where I run is, indeed, fairly hilly. Whip around that sucker a few times a week for three years or so and you'll learn to scoff at hills (not that I have, necessarily, but I can see how runners of the non-mediocre variety might).

Humidity, on the other hand, is a universal killer. It sucks the life out of you. The moisture in the air congeals to form a formidable wall of resistance...it pushes against you with every step...you can't keep going...you know you can do better...but you can't breathe...

OK, it's (maybe) not that bad. I wanted you to feel sorry for me because I'm still kinda sick and it was the first day back at work after a long weekend and I was tired and wah, I really, really, really didn't want to run today.

But I did.

And it was HUMID. Despite all the hyperbolizing above, it is unequivocally true that humidity is the worst thing that can happen to a run. The. Worst. Actually, now that I think about it, there was very little hyperbolizing going on there. I speak the truth. And the southwest corner of Tennessee can generate a high air-moisture content with the best of them.

It's rarely a good sign when the sky starts spontaneously drooling raindrops, as was the case shortly before I ran.

On account of the weather not being ideal and me really not being into this today, I thought I'd mix it up a bit and try running my two miles super-fast, because people who know about such things say it's good to add in a bit of speed training every now and again.

My first mile went very nicely; I floated through it in 10:14. I felt quite good about that. Unfortunately, one mile was about all I had in me tonight, so the entire second mile was laborious and torturous and lots of other wince-inducing words that end in -ous (superfluous?). Mile 2 came in at 10:52, which is still faster than I usually run, but a more...er...better effort on my part would have had those two times reversed.

And then when it was all over, my legs about gave out on me and I wouldn't have fought a black-out, had one crept up on me. But I wasn't all that out of breath or anything, so I'm guessing that was just my sinus infection.


  1. We're having so nicce weather here for the end of summer! It's been in the low 70's all week and sunny too!

    Hope you feel better darling! x

  2. Thank you! I think I might be on the mend...er, maybe. (I hope.) I envy your weather! It was cloudy and humid all day today. I kept expecting it to rain at any point, but alas no.
